Welcome to the one-stop shop for part-time employment for healthcare students, benefitting both students and businesses in Louisiana.

LA Student Works will allow for real-life, on-the-job training for students and will serve the health care industry needs by supplying them with quality part-time workers. Our goal is to strengthen the health care industry and workers by continuing to grow this network and making more significant connections between students and businesses.

  • Students can gain access to meaningful career pathways, earn real-life experience in their chosen fields while earning a paycheck.
  • Employers can gain access to available students looking for work opportunities while receiving concierge staffing services. They will also have an opportunity to invest in potential workforce and improve their chances of retaining sufficient talent to be able to meet their strategic objectives.

Part of the proceeds earned by the Louisiana Students Works network will be reinvested in supporting Louisiana students.

Nursing Student - LA Student Works
Louisiana Student Works - Dentistry Student in Lab
Louisiana Student Works - Nursing Students at a graduation ceremony with scrubs and stethoscopes
Louisiana Student Works - Nursing Students at a graduation ceremony with scrubs and stethoscopes
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Are you a healthcare student looking for relevant part-time work and real-life experience? Click here to see our current openings with qualified employers and begin the next steps in your career!


Are you a business looking to hire smart, capable part-time employees? When you partner with Louisiana Student WORKS, you can focus on what matters the most – running your business. Let us do the hard part of identifying part-time students in health care. Begin today by posting your job needs here!


University of Holy Cross logo
Delgado Community College logo The Michaels Organization logo InclusivCare logo
Logo Job Corp

LA Student WORKS